Monday, February 9, 2009

Megalithic phase

Megalithic phase witnessed great developments in south India. Identifying a megalithic site is usually done by dolmens, attractive stone clusters or normal monoliths. There are several places in southern India that bear testimony of impressive megalithic culture. Few of them are south and north arcot district (Tamil nadu), maski, rajan kalur and brahmagiri (Karnataka), bhagimari (Maharashtra). Several tribal areas in India including bodosof, gonds (bastar) and gadabas (Orissa) etc also have several memorial monoliths symbol. Kodekal or Topikal refers to stone objects designed in mushroom shape. These objects are found in kerala. Indian archeologists have indulged in several excavations operations that have resulted in discovery of numerous megalithic sites. Megalithic culture reveals India’s growing economy and advanced warfare. Many artifacts have also been found that shows richness of the culture.

India witnessed its most intense transformation during the 800 years of period between the time of Buddha and Guptas Empire. The period was 6th century B.C and 4th century A.D. this phase is also called as second urbanization phase. This phase is renowned because of several positive and development changes in India’s economic, social and political structure. The whole social paradigm went through a complete turnaround. The first stage of complete reversal in India’s fortunes was witnessed in regions surrounding the plains of the Ganges. Soon, the growth spread to all parts of the country. The major changes were manifested in the forms of introduction of currency, rising trade domestic as well as international, discovery of many new overseas trade routes, progress in arts and crafts etc.

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